imageTitle=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
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imageCredit=R.J. "Bobbi" Peck (Copyright) 10552
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English=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
This sawmill is an exact replica of the sawmill that James Marshall designed and built for John Sutter. During the construction of the mill on January 24, 1848, while inspecting the tailrace, Marshall discovered a flake of gold. He announced his find to the workers around the mill by shouting, "Boys, by god I believe I've found a gold mine."
imageTitle=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
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imageCredit=R.J. "Bobbi" Peck (Copyright) 10552
imageMore=Fax Impact Photo Graphics at (916) 939-9334, or visit us on the Web at
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French=Parc historique d'Θtat de la dΘcouverte de l'or Marshall
Cette scierie est la rΘplique exacte de la scierie que James Marshall conτut et bΓtit pour John Sutter. Pendant la construction de la scierie le 24 janvier 1848, alors que Marshall inspectait la bief d'aval, il dΘcouvrit une paillette d'or. Il annonτa sa trouvaille aux travailleurs autour de la scierie en criant "Messieurs, par Dieu, je crois que j'ai trouvΘ une mine d'or".
imageTitle=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
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imageCredit=R.J. "Bobbi" Peck (Copyright) 10552
imageMore=Fax Impact Photo Graphics at (916) 939-9334, or visit us on the Web at
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German=Marshall Goldfund historischer Staatspark
Dieses SΣgewerk ist eine genaue Reproduktion des SΣgewerks, das James Marshall fⁿr John Sutter entwarf und konstruierte. Bei der ▄berwachung der Bauarbeiten am 24. Januar 1848 entdeckte Marshall eine Goldflocke. Er meldete den Bauarbeitern des SΣgewerks seinen Fund indem er rief: äJungs, beim AllmΣchtigen, ich glaub', ich habe eine Goldmine gefunden."
imageTitle=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
imageTitlePrompt=Image Title:
imageCredit=R.J. "Bobbi" Peck (Copyright) 10552
imageMore=Fax Impact Photo Graphics at (916) 939-9334, or visit us on the Web at
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Spanish=Parque Estatal Hist≤rico del Descubrimiento de Oro Marshall
Este molino es una rΘplica exacta del molino que James Marshall dise±≤ y construy≤ para John Sutter. Durante la construcci≤n del molino el 24 de Enero, de 1848, mientras inspeccionaba el camino, Marshall descubri≤ una pepita de oro. El anunci≤ su encuentro a los trabajadores del molino al gritar, "Muchachos, por dios creo que he encontrado una mina de oro."
imageTitle=Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
imageTitlePrompt=Image Title:
imageCredit=R.J. "Bobbi" Peck (Copyright) 10552
imageMore=Fax Impact Photo Graphics at (916) 939-9334, or visit us on the Web at